Category Archives: fun

40 Of The Worst Packaging And Labelling Fails Of All Time

Have you ever come across a recognisable product in a package that was clearly not designed for it? Have you ever read something on a label and wondered how in the world it made it out of the factory? Well, here are 50 classic examples of packaging and labelling fails that can’t fail any harder…

#1. Only for the hussies in your life

#2. I prefer mine schooled and raised

#3. No cock for tonight folks, we’re cutting back on our artificial flavoring intake

#4. The NRA’s most recent advertising scheme

#5. It’s a delicious classic

#6. That’s an interesting looking watermelon you got there

#7. 100% pure homo

#8. Sounds delicious

#9. Either she’s a dwarf bathing in a large toilet, or… you know, they got the packaging wrong…

#10. I heard too much of this stuff isn’t good for you

#11. I need to show this to my boss, the fortune cookies never lie

#12. Lindsay Lohan’s Barbie product line

#13. That’s one weird looking dog

#14. Clearly strawberries

#15. Either they accidently added an ‘ity’ – or they have a serious misunderstanding about the power of soap

#16. Let’s just cut right to the chase shall we?

#17. “Buy today and also get marriage counseling free!”

#18. At least they are being honest

#19. Yeah… no thanks

#20. Nothing says onions quite like a long, yellow corncob

#21. The horse and Ken are not included separately

#22. We’ve all been there

#23. Sorry kids, lasagne is off the menu tonight

#24. I heard it smells like ass (I’ll see myself out)

#25. Oh dear

#26. I’m afraid of anything that says “creamy,” “white,” and “finishing” in the same sentence

#27. Ice has never tasted more delicious

#28. Those are some nice balls you got there

#29. This is why you always read labels

#30. Friskies is widening their market

#31. Not gonna lie, I’d try it

#32. I sure hope not

#33. At least they are enjoying themselves

#34. That’s an unfortunate, um, design fail there

#35. I think I will pass

#36. And he likes to celebrate it like a princess!

#37. This is disturbing

#38. I would hate to see the extraction process

#39. I’d love to support Welsh products, but… I’ll have to pass on this one

#40. The Easter bunny is a cunning fellow… not that it matters – they’re getting eaten either way

These unintentionally hilarious mistakes in packaging and translation are simply too much to handle. All I know is that someone, somewhere, got fired for letting them hit the market.

This Test Will Prove That You Too Can’t Spell The Most Commonly Misspelled Words

Piceless Reactions Of Wild Animals Seeing Their Reflection On A Mirror For The Very First Time

If You Have A Twisted Sense Of Humor You Will Definitely Enjoy These 11 Ironic Facts

“Humor is everywhere in that there’s irony in just about anything a human does.” 

-Bill Nye

“Irony is the hygiene of the mind.” 

-Elizabeth Bibesco

The universe is a cruel mistress…

No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because the building holding the patent burned to the ground in 1836.

In 1985, a man drowned at a pool party attended by 100 lifeguards. The party was in celebration of the first summer without a drowning at the New Orleans municipal pool.

John R. Morales, an actor who played McGruff The Crime Dog, was imprisoned for 16 years after police found 1,000 pot plants and a grenade launcher in his home.

Gary Kremen, the founder of, lost his girlfriend to a man she met on

“Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia” is the fear of long words.

In 2014, a Los Angeles memorial tree dedicated to George Harrison was killed by an infestation of beetles.

A statue of a homeless Jesus sleeping on a bench was installed in an area of downtown Orlando where the homeless are banned from sleeping on benches.

In 1974, 80,000 lapel buttons created by the government to promote toy safety were recalled. They contained lead paint, the edges were too sharp, and they were deemed a choking hazard.

Condoms were given out at a Canadian university with notes attached promoting safe sex. They were later recalled because the staples used to fasten the note had punctured the condoms.

Union General, John Sedgwick, was shot and killed moments after standing from his trench and telling his men to stand because Confederate soldiers “couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance.”

Barry Manilow’s 1976 hit “I Write The Songs,” was written by Bruce Johnson.

A man sued the Guinness Book of World Records for damages after they awarded him the world record for “most lawsuits ever filed” at over 10,000.

Editors’ Recommendations:
These 22 Photographers Really Go To Extremes For A Good Shot
For Couples With A Sense Of Humour, 26 Brutally Honest Love Cards
36 Greatest Moments in the History of Irony
40 Most Bloodcurdling Chinese Mistranslations Ever! Warning: You Will Laugh To Death!
Is He The World’s Best Dad? Father Takes Adorable Photographs With His Little Girl   
sources: Distractify

25 Hilarious Signs That Completely Fail To Serve Their Purpose

Signs are all around the world. They help guide traffic, enforce rules, and answer questions. There are often times when a sign is coincidentally funny. There are other times when they are just plain questionable. People see signs like this and wonder, “What was the person who made this thinking?” “Were they sober?” “How could they not notice the error in their ways?” In some cases, people wonder whether or not these sign-makers still have their jobs!

But regardless of the reasoning behind the sign, they still cause people to laugh (and occasionally cringe). The list below contains 25 of the funniest and strangest signs from around the world.

1. Teachers Who Make The Differance

And our perfect spelling proves it

2. ​Pain Bagel

I think I’ll take a chocolate croissant rather than a pain bagel to start my day off.

​3. LOL

Hopefully the lifeguard has a different set of rules to follow.

​4. Gynecology Restaurant

Suddenly the hunger has disappeared!

5. Exit Sign

Going through this door means taking a pretty big risk.

​6. Priority Seat

Babies = WIFI. According to this sign, at least.

7. Left Lane

This is a classic case of drunk sign-making.

8. Firewood

Good luck trying to start a fire with these!

9. ​Entrance?

Talk about mixed signals…

​10. No Smoking Alcohol

Most people probably weren’t planning on it, but now you mentioned it…

11. MICE

Probably not McDonald’s most successful way to advertise ice.

​12. Pubic Event

Sounds like an exciting party!

13. ​Seniors Center

Not quite what Grandma was expecting.

​14. Slip Carefully

If you’re going to slip, do so with grace.

15. Free Tacos…Yesterday

Thanks a lot, Taco Bell.

16. Do Not Breathe Under The Water

Studies have shown that the majority of time someone attempts to breathe underwater it doesn’t end too well. Just don’t do it!

17. Lemons

When life gives you lemons… make orange juice.

18. Texting While Driving

But make sure that you text “SAFETY” to 79191 first.

19. Push Button Or Yell

Always good to have options

20. Mega… What?

Oh Megaflicks… You should have used a different font

21. The 9th Floor Has Moved

I wonder what they did with the 15th

22. Best Directions Ever

People kept getting lost, so they put up a sign

23. Give Your Valentine Crabs

Always nice to be thoughtful

24. Speed Bumps Ahead

This is worse than “Slow Children at Play”

25. Do Not Touch

As if instant death isn’t punishment enough

8 Silly Things We All Inexplicably Do

We all have our own weird habits. Some are weird enough they better stay secret, while some are just plain useless, like repeatedly pressing the C button on a calculator just to be 100% sure it’s cleared, or pressing the lift button three or four times to make sure it’s really coming.

I can’t leave my house these days without turning back 30 seconds later to check if I’ve locked the door, which obviously I have, every single time. But that’s humans in a nutshell. We’re all trying to influence and control little situations in the only way we know how – overkill. I do at least 5 of these, how about you?

1. Can’t be too careful.

2. Three clicks equal a green light.

3. Maybe mum has filled it in the last two minutes.

4. Every. Time.

5. Pretty confident there’s nothing on the screen, good to be sure though.

6. Maybe if I press more the lift with ascend faster.

7. Purely for tricep building.

8. Everyone knows the five save rule.

The great thing about humans is that we all do this weird stuff on a regular basis. We’re uniquely the same. And yes, that doesn’t mean anything. But it’s far less pointless then most of the things on this list!

Editors’ Recommendations:

For Couples With A Sense Of Humour, 26 Brutally Honest Love Cards

Warning: For couples with a sense of humour ONLY! If you love showing your affection to your significant other but think that most cards are so corny that they trigger your gag reflexes then these greeting cards from Someecards may just be the perfect solution for you hopeless non-romantics.



























Editors’ Recommendations:

40 Most Bloodcurdling Chinese Mistranslations Ever! Warning: You Will Laugh To Death!

Chinese, or more specifically Mandarin, is nowadays the most spoken language in the world with around 2 billion speakers. English on the other hand, is the third most spoken language with an estimate of between 300 – 400 million speakers. [1]

Even though both languages can be regarded as world languages, translations between the two seem to be much more difficult than expected. Especially, when considering the bloodcurdling examples, which we provided below.

Have you ever thought of having a glass of “Cock Light” or “Whiskey & Cock”? Maybe you should add a plate of “Sixi Roasted Husband” or “Meat Fried Cat Ear” to that order! Well, if these choices do not suit you, maybe you are in the wrong restaurant or maybe the translator of the menu card needs to take a language course.

Nevertheless, we have to acknowledge that we would not have laughed so hard, when the translators would have visited a language course. Therefore, please do not take language courses! Enjoy…

F*cK Vegetables!

Image credits:

Poor Duck…

Image credits:

Beware of Safety

Image credits: Chris Radley

Whisky & Cock

Image credits: stefan

Hand Grenade

Image credits:

No Discunt

Image credits: AtticDweller


Image credits: sousveillance

Execution in Progress

Image credits:

One of Those Time Sex Things…

Image credits: keso

Reverse Psychology!

Image credits:

Please Do Not Disturb!

Image credits:


Image Credits: Unknown

Hmmm… OK!

Image Credits: Unknown

Wang Had to Burn

Image credits: mursu909


Image credits: MFinChina

Special Fresh Crap

Image credits:

No Shitting

Image credits: TrevinC

Don’t Be Edible

Image credits: dingadingdang

Evil Rubbish

Image credits:

Cat Ear?!

Image credits: joshbateman

Potato the Crap

Image credits: Andy Stoll

Don’t Order the Greenstuffs!

Image credits: MFinChina


Image credits: megoizzy

Slip and Fall Down Carefully!

Image credits:

Good to know!

Image Credits: Unknown

Don’t Touch Yourself!

Image credits:

Racist Park

Image credits:

Grab Me Now!

Image credits: unknown

Beware of Missing Foot

Image credits: Chris Radley

Stupid Beans

Image credits: MFinChina

Cheap, Fast & Easy

Image credits:

You Are the Best!

Image credits:

F*CK Goods!

Image Credits: Unknown

No Smoking The Bed!

Image Credits: Unknown

Crap Stick

Image credits: mtrank


Image credits: AtticDweller

Unlike Put Your Shoes On My Face

Image credits:

Thanks to everyone!

Image Credits: Unknown

The Wild Germ Hates Soup

Image credits: David Feng


Image credits:

Editors’ Recommendations:

Tiny Tortoises Attempt to Consume a Stack of Tiny Terrapin-Friendly Pancakes

What happens when a bunch of tortoises come across a stack of pancakes? This really sweet video has the answer! Several tiny sulcata tortoises attempt to consume a stack of tiny terrapin-friendly pancakes that were prepared in the BuzzFeedBlue kitchens. Each tortoise took a different approach; one attacked the starchy goodness directly and got a big yummy payoff, while another took one look, shrugged his figurative shoulders, and gave up without even trying.

Editors’ Recommendations:

16 Adorable Pun Illustrations To Brighten Your Day

These little images designed are positively adorable. Featuring everyday objects and combining them with motivational phrases for cute visual puns, they are guaranteed to make you just a tiny bit happier. After all, don’t we all need just a little boost to make our day brighter? Whether it’s a toilet paper roll telling you enjoy what you do or smiling telescope and looking glass encouraging you to appreciate the little things, they are all so, so sweet. Quite the change from the usual cynical internet!

All of these cutesy motivators were made by Lim Heng Swee, an illustrator based in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. His design motto is “doodle a smile”, and that’s what he does, day after day. His good (and funny) work has not gone unnoticed: it has already been featured in such publications as La Monde and Readers Digest, and his social media has more than 80,000 combined followers. Unsurprisingly, his designs are widely featured on t-shirts, and have been used by brands like Gap, Nike and Threadless. The latter has even awarded him as the designer of the year – twice!

Apparently, being positive pays off – literally!

More info: | Etsy | Behance | tumblr | Facebook | flickr 

Editors’ Recommendations:
Forget Your Standard Idea Of Beauty – Photographer Proves That Female Beauty Is Everywhere
Empathy Cards For Seriously Ill People Created By Cancer Survivor
Heart Warming Illustrations Of What Real Love Looks Like By A Korean Artist
Incredible Double Exposure Portraits Of Animals And Their Surroundings
Experiencing The Most Magical Place On Earth – New Zealand On The Road   

sources: Demilked