Category Archives: do it yourself

A Simple Picture To Help You Capture Excellent Photos

Want to capture excellent photos? Then you need to understand three things — the aperture, the shutter speed, and the ISO.

The aperture controls light that passes through your camera lens. If you shoot with the aperture adjusted to the smallest opening, the smallest amount of light is allowed to enter. Let’s say, you need to take a picture in an environment that’s too bright — how do you fix that? Simple — just choose a smaller aperture. The aperture’s sizes are measured by f-stops. A higher f-stop means a smaller aperture hole while a lower f-stop means a bigger aperture opening.

Now, the shutter speed. It’s the duration of time a camera shutter is open to allow light into the camera sensor. Shutter speeds are usually measured in fractions of a second. Fast shutter speeds allow less light into the camera sensor and are used for high-light and daytime photography while slow shutter speeds allow more light into the camera sensor. Obviously, slow shutter speeds are ideal for nighttime photography.

Finally, the ISO. ISO is all about the sensitivity level of your camera to available light. Usually, it’s measured by numbers. A lower number represents lower sensitivity to light while higher numbers mean heightened sensitivity. The drawback in using increased sensitivity is that it produces noisier images. Simply put, you end up with grainy pictures if you use high ISO.

How do you take properly exposed photos, then? Those that are not too dark or too bright. The three – Shutter Speed, Aperture, and ISO – need to play together well. Let’s say it’s high noon. Of course, you have plenty of sunlight. If your camera aperture is very small you block most of the light. It means the camera sensor needs a longer time to gather light. Now, for the sensor to collect enough light, the shutter has to stay open longer. In other words, you need a slower shutter speed.

Look at the diagram featured here. From the top, the first level represents aperture sizes, the second level represents shutter speeds, and the third level represents levels of ISO.
Editors’ Recommendations:

12 Awesome Skills To Learn Online For Free

Below we’ve listed 12 awesome skills to learn for free online compiled from across the web. If you have any relevant links yourself then please do comment below and exchange your experiences with online learning and education.


With Duolingo, you can learn Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, or English (from any of the above or more). There’s a mobile app and a website, and the extensive courses are completely free.

View Duolingo Course


Spreeder is a free online program that will improve your reading skill and comprehension no matter how old you are. With enough practice, they claim to double, triple, or even quadruple the speed at which you read passages currently, which is basically like adding years to your life.

Use Spreeder


Highly recommend Code Academy for their breadth and innovative program. If you want to try a more traditional route, Harvard offers its excellent Introduction to Computer Science course online for free.

Code Academy 

EDX Course


Knowing the basics of psychology will bring context to your understanding of yourself, the dynamics of your family and friendships, what’s really going on with your coworkers, and the woes and wonders of society in general. Yale University has its Intro to Psychology lectures online for free.

View Free Lectures

Most cities have free community classes (try just searching Google or inquiring at your local yoga studio). If you’re more comfortable trying yoga at home, YogaGlo has a great 15-day trial and Yome is a compendium of 100% free yoga videos. If you’re already familiar with basic yoga positions but you need an easy way to practice at home, I recommend YogaTailor’s free trial as well.

View Yogaglo 

View Yoga Tailor

All kids draw — so why do we become so afraid of it as adults? Everyone should feel comfortable with a sketchbook and pencil, and sketching is a wonderful way to express your creativity. DrawSpace is a great place to start. (I also highly recommend the book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain if you can drop a few dollars for a used copy.)

Try Draw Space


If you’re not interested in coding anything other than fun game apps, you could try this course from the University of Reading. It promises to teach you how to build a game in Java, even if you don’t have programming experience!

View Future Learn


You can take the University of Washington’s Intro to Public Speaking for free online. Once you learn a few tricks of the trade, you’ll hopefully be able to go into situations like being asked to present at a company meeting or giving a presentation in class without nearly as much fear and loathing.

View EDX Public Speaking Course


Learn how to play guitar: Justin Guitar is a fine and free place to start learning chords and the basic skills you’ll need to be able to play guitar

Free voice lesson from Berklee College Of Music. Have you always thought you had an inner TSwift? Berklee College of Music offers an Introduction to Songwriting course completely for free online. The course is six weeks long, and by the end of the lesson you’ll have at least one completed song. Lifehacker’s basics of music production will help you put it all together once you have the skills down! You’ll be recording your own music, ready to share with your valentine or the entire world, in no time!

Free Guitar Lessons 

The Basics of Music Production

Let Stanford’s Stan Christensen explain how to negotiate in business and your personal life, managing relationships for your personal gain and not letting yourself be steamrolled. There are a lot of football metaphors and it’s great.

The Art of Negotiation Course


Lifehacker’s basics of photography might be a good place to start. Learn how your camera works, the basic of composition, and editing images in post-production.

View Life Hacker Course


Tutorials are the best way to learn in my experience. Choose even the outcomes you don’t like and you’ll learn a wider selection of techniques and tools.

View Photoshop Course 

Here Are 34 Simple Home-Hacks That Will Make Your Home Awesome

If you want to make your home more efficient (and look better while you’re at it), you don’t necessarily have to break the bank. Sometimes, the simplest changes can make a world of difference. Take these 34 simple home improvement ideas, for example. You wouldn’t think that moving your outlets or adding an end table could change the flow and cool factor of your house, but it can.

And if you follow these tips, it will!

1.) Build a free library for your neighbors.

2.) Replace your current shower head with this unique one.

3.) Make the space your fake drawers take up functional.

4.) Fake drawers are also a great spot for extra outlets.

5.) Save space with collapsable drying racks.

6.) Install dutch doors so you can watch your kids/pets without baby gates

7.) Buy a toilet seat where everyone can have their own tab.

8.) Put heat-sensitive tile in your shower… just because.

9.) Add a half-table to your bathroom for extra storage space.

10.) Use recessed outlets so you can put your furniture against the wall.

11.) Add outlets to drawers to keep clutter off of the table top.

12.) Install your outlets underneath your cabinets so you don’t ruin your backsplash.

13.) Use slide-out drawers in the home for spices and pantry items

14.) If your garage is adjacent to your kitchen, add a little door to make unloading groceries easier.

15.) Open a small tunnel to connect two rooms.

16.) Add a shelf to a long hallway for extra storage space.

17.) Instead of bunk beds, install classy murphy beds for your kids.

18.) Add a small cabinet to extra space in the kitchen for cleaning supply storage.

19.) Replace your old house numbers with modern fonts

20.) Put a sign on your bathroom so guests know where it is.

21.) Add a simple window seat to the landing of your staircase.

22.) Make your porch lights fancy with a chandelier.

23.) Hide away appliances behind sliding doors.

24.) Use kitchen drawers as cutting boards you can hide.

25.) Add a sun tunnel to rooms you wish had more natural sunlight.

26.) Use a slide-away step in your bathroom instead of a stepstool.

27.) Stools on hinges save room in the kitchen.

28.) Build drawers in the wasted space between studs in the wall.

29.) Decorate the foundation of your home to make it pretty and functional.

30.) Use stainless steel contact paper to make your appliances look more expensive.

31.) Turn your counter into storage space.

32.) Simple outdoor showers are perfect for beach houses and families who love going outdoors.

33.) Add mirrored tiles to windowless rooms.

34.) Install a simple dog bath to a mud room or entry way.

Editors’ Recommendations:
How to Heat your Room for 15 Cents a Day [VIDEO]
16 Children And Their Bedrooms From Across The World. This Will Open Your Eyes
Eat Your Way To A Healthy Life – Top 60 Superfoods That Will Help You Lose Weight
30 Of The Most Powerful Images Ever
12 Easy Ways to Make Life Simple Again  
These 19 Easy Life Hacks are Guaranteed to Make Life Easier

source: ViralNova

Sitting At A Desk At Work Can Be Boring. So Try This…

Here Are 21 Food Hacks That’ll Make You Run For The Kitchen

Being an adult and preparing food for yourself can be a boring, tiresome business. Fear no more. We have some tips to help you out.

We found 21 awesome food hacks that’ll make eating so much better, you won’t know how you even lived before. Preparing for cookouts and parties is easy when you know these ridiculously simple tips. Summer 2014, we’re ready for you.

1.) Make easy cheesy bread with an already-baked loaf.

2.) Breakfast just got interesting.

3.) Use a peeler to create pretty lemon flowers.

4.) Melted banana split? Yes please.

5.) Use an apple corer on potatoes for quick wedges.

6.) No more sticky popsicle hands.

7.) Making ice cream sandwiches is easy, if you have a hot, sharp knife.

8.) Put the egg in the burger. You’ll thank us later.

9.) Taco holders!

10.) Swirly cake is actually easier than it looks.

11.) Bacon. Pancakes.

12.) Use a clothespin to make chopsticks foolproof.

13.) Cheap hangers… or chip clips?

14.) Bye-bye, strawberry stems.

15.) Bees think they own your drinks. Use muffin/cupcake liners to stop them.

16.) Carefully use a balloon and melted chocolate for a fancy, edible bowl.

17.) Electric carving knife + bundt cake pan = easy corn on the cob obliteration.

18.) There’s a new way to peel oranges.

19.) Wet your fingers. Get the shell out.

20.) AKA, heaven on earth.

21.) Snacking just got awesome…ly unhealthy.

Editors’ Recommendations:
10 Of The Most Inspiring Personal Development Quotes   
DIY Glowing Jars: Make Perfect Night Lights For Your Yard Or A Party
40 Life Hacks that Will Change your Life
These 19 Easy Life Hacks are Guaranteed to Make Life Easier
Watch This Video & You’ll Never Eat McDonald’s French Fries Again

source: Viralnova 

DIY Glowing Jars: Make Perfect Night Lights for your Yard or a Party

The dark can get truly startling for your kids. This DIY will make you sure they have a night light to help ease them to sleep at night time. And if you like that, you can also use it as decoration in your room.

This is a perfect approach to make your own glow in the dark night light in whatever color they lean toward!

The recipe for this glowing jar is:

  • Find great jars
  • Fill said jars with water
  • Buy a batch of glow sticks, and carefully! mix a broken glowstick in each container -and wham: spooky lights in the yard.

Cautioning: Glow sticks are hazardous and toxic so don’t let your kids play with them on their own or throughout the methodology of making these.

A spooky glowing jar trick…

  1. Fill a jar with water.
  2. Take the guts of a highlighter out of the pen casing and pop it in the water.
  3. Let it sit overnight.
  4. Take out the highlighter guts and the water now glows with lit up with blacklight.
These would be astounding for a young boy or young girl’s room!

Here’s an alternate simple approach to make glowing jars but a more adult variant.

The picture above utilizes highlighter fluid and fake plants/animals. Let the highlighter and water sit overnight and afterward take out the highlighter internal parts out of the water which abandons you with glowing liquid.

These fairy or firefly jars are super simple to make too! Cut open the glow stick and shake it into the jar, include precious stone sparkle and shake everything up…TA DA!

Editors’ Recommendations:40 Life Hacks That Will Change Your LifeThese 19 Easy Life Hacks Are Guaranteed To Make Life Easier20 Practical Uses For Coca Cola – Proof That Coke Does Not Belong In The Human Body [VIDEO]
sources: Amazing Beautiful WorldOffbeat Home

20 Practical Uses for Coca Cola – Proof that Coke Does not Belong in the Human Body [VIDEO]

Coke is the most valuable brand in history, and “Coca-Cola” is the world’s second-most recognized word after “hello.” However, the beverage itself is an absolute poison to the human metabolism. Coke is very close to the acidity level of battery acid and consequently it can clean surfaces equivalent to and often better than many toxic household cleaners.

It’s cheaper and easier to buy Coke in some third world countries than it is to access clean water. Coke uses “public relations propaganda” to convince consumers and entire nations that it is an “environmental company” when really it is linked to pollution, water shortages, and disease.

People who consume soft drinks such as Coke have a 48% increase in heart attack and stroke risk, compared to people who did not drink the sodas at all or did not drink them every day. A study published in the journal Respirology reveals that soft drink consumption is also associated with lung and breathing disorders including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

The carbonation in Coke causes calcium loss in the bones through a 3-stage process:

The carbonation irritates the stomach.
The stomach “cures” the irritation the only way it knows how. It adds the only antacid at its disposal: calcium. It gets this from the blood.
The blood, now low on calcium, replenishes its supply from the bones. If it did not do this, muscular and brain function would be severely impaired.

But, the story doesn’t end there. Another problem with most Coke is it also contain phosphoric acid (not the same as the carbonation, which is carbon dioxide mixed with the water). Phosphoric acid also causes a draw-down on the body’s store of calcium.

So Coke softens your bones (actually, makes them weak and brittle) in 3 ways:

Carbonation reduces the calcium in the bones.
Phosphoric acid reduces the calcium in the bones.
The beverage replaces a calcium-containing alternative, such as milk or water. Milk and water are not excellent calcium sources, but they are sources.

Esophageal cancer was very rare two generations ago — now, it’s common. The basic mechanism works as follows:

Mechanical damage to cells is a huge risk factor for cancer. It’s why asbestos particles, for example, cause lung cancer.
All soft drinks cause acid reflux (stomach acid rising up past the esophageal valve). This is more pronounced when the body is horizontal (as in sleeping), but the sheer volume of Coke and soft drinks consumed in the USA means the acid reflux is well past the danger point. Any time you ingest a gassy drink, you are going to get belching–and acid into the esophagus. How much is too much? The research doesn’t say where the limit is–it only shows that most of us are far, far, far past it.
tomach acid dissolves tissue — that’s its purpose. The stomach lining does not extend into the esophagus, so the lower esophagus gets damaged by acid far more frequently in soft drink users than in non soft drink users. This results in a radical increase in cell mutations, along with a far higher level of free radicals.

20 Practical Uses For Coke

Coke acts as an acidic cleaner. The amount of acid in soda is enough to wear away at the enamel of your teeth, making them more susceptible to decay. In tests done on the acidity levels of soda, certain ones were found to have PH levels as low as 2.5. To put that into perspective, consider that battery acid has a pH of 1 and pure water has a pH of 7.

To prove Coke does not belong in the human body, here are 20 practical ways you can use Coke as a domestic cleaner:

  1. Removes grease stains from clothing and fabric
  2. Removes rust; methods include using fabric dipped in Coke, a sponge or even aluminum foil. Also loosens rusty bolts
  3. Removes blood stains from clothing and fabric.
  4. Cleans oil stains from a garage floor; let the stain soak, hose off.
  5. Kills slugs and snails; the acids kills them.
  6. Cleans burnt pans; let the pan soak in the Coke, then rinse.
  7. Descales a kettle (same method as with burnt pans)
  8. Cleans car battery terminals by pouring a small amount of Coke over each one.
  9. Cleans your engine; Coke distributors have been using this technique for decades.
  10. Makes pennies shine; soaking old pennies in Coke will remove the tarnish.
  11. Cleans tile grout; pour onto kitchen floor, leave for a few minutes, wipe up.
  12. Dissolves a tooth; Use a sealed container…takes a while but it does work.
  13. Removes gum from hair; dip into a small bowl of Coke, leave a few minutes. Gum will wipe off.
  14. Removes stains from vitreous china.
  15. Got a dirty pool? Adding two 2-liter bottles of Coke clears up rust.
  16. You can remove (or fade) dye from hair by pouring diet Coke over it.
  17. Remove marker stains from carpet. Applying Coke, scrubbing and then clean with soapy water will remove marker stains.
  18. Cleans a toilet; pour around bowl, leave for a while, flush clean.
  19. Coke and aluminum foil will bring Chrome to a high shine.
  20. Strips paint off metal furniture. Soak a towel in Coke and lay it on the paint surface.

Now can you imagine what is does to your stomach lining?

Who needs the ‘household and cleaning’ section at the hardware store when we have Coke.

Have you ever wondered what exactly Coca Cola is?

After 10 minutes: The sugar contained in a glass of Cola can cause a devastating “strike” on the body. The cause being the phosphoric acid which inhibits the action of sugar.

After 20 minutes: A leap in insulin levels in bloodstream occurs.

After 40 minutes: Ingestion of caffeine is finally completed. The eye’s pupils are expanding. Blood pressure rises because the liver disposes more sugar into the bloodstream. The adenosine receptors become blocked thereby preventing drowsiness.

After 45 minutes: The body raises production of the dopamine hormone, which stimulates the brain pleasure center. Similar to the reaction Heroin creates.

After 1 hour: Phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in the gastrointestinal tract, which supercharges metabolism. The release of calcium through urine takes place.

After more than 1 hour: Diuretic effects of the drink enters in “the game”. The calcium, magnesium and zinc are removed out of the body, which are a part of our bones, as well as sodium. At this time we can become irritable or subdued. The whole quantity of water, contained in a coca cola, is removed through urination.

When having a cold bottle of Coke and enjoying its undeniable freshness are we aware of what chemical “cocktail” we are putting into our bodies? The active ingredient in Coca-Cola is orthophosphoric acid. Due to its high acidity, cisterns used for transporting the chemical have to be equipped with special reservoirs designed for highly corrosive materials.

Let’s have a look at “the anatomy” of one of the most advertised products of “Coca-Cola Co.” – Coca-Cola Light without caffeine. This drink contains Aqua Carbonated, E150D, E952, E951, E338, E330, Aromas, E211.

Aqua Carbonated – this is sparkling water. It stirs gastric secretion, increases the acidity of the gastric juice and provokes flatulency. Filtered tap water is what is primarily used.

E150D – this is food coloring obtained through the processing of sugar at specified temperatures, with or without addition of chemical reagents. In the case of coca-cola, ammonium sulfate is added.

E952 – Sodium Cyclamate is a sugar substitute. Cyclamate is a synthetic chemical, has a sweet taste, which is 200 times sweeter than sugar, and is used as an artificial sweetener. In 1969 it was banned by FDA, since it, as well as saccharin and aspartame, caused cancer in rats.

E950 – Acesulfame Potassium. 200 times sweeter than sugar, containing methyl-ether. It aggravates the operation of the cardiovascular system. Likewise, it contains asparaginic acid which can also cause an excitant effect on our nervous system and in time it can lead to addiction. Acesulfame is badly dissolved and is not recommended for use by children and pregnant women.

E951 – Aspartame. A sugar substitute for diabetics and is chemically unstable at elevated temperatures it breaks down into methanol and phenylalanine. Methanol is very dangerous as only 5-10ml can cause destruction of the optic nerve and irreversible blindness. In warm soft drinks, aspartame transforms into formaldehyde which is a very strong carcinogen. Symptoms of aspartame poisoning include: unconsciousness, headaches, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, palpitation, weight gain, irritability, anxiety, memory loss, blurry vision, fainting, joint pains, depression, infertility, hearing loss and more. Aspartame can also provoke the following diseases: brain tumors, MS (Multiple Sclerosis), epilepsy, Graves’ disease, chronic fatigue, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, mental deficiency and tuberculosis. Later, this substance was initially illegal due to its dangers but was again made legal in a suspicious manner.

E338 – Orthophosphoric Acid. This can cause irritation of the skin and eyes. It is used for production of phosphoric acid salts of ammonia, sodium, calcium, aluminum and also in organic synthesis for the production of charcoal and film tapes. It is also used in the production of refractory materials, ceramics, glass, fertilizers, synthetic detergents, medicine, metalworking, as well as in the textile and oil industries. It is known that orthophosphoric acid interferes with the absorption of calcium and iron into the body which can cause weakening of bones and osteoporosis. Other side effects are thirst and skin rashes.

E330 – Citric Acid. It is widely used in pharmaceutical and food industries. Salts of citric acid (citrates) are used in the food industry as acids, preservatives, stabilizers, and in the medical fields – for preserving blood.

Aromas – unknown aromatic additives

E211 – Sodium Benzoate. It is used in production of some food products for anti-bacterial and anti-fungal purposes. It is often found in jams, fruit juices and fruit yogurts. It’s not recommended for use by asthmatics and people who are sensitive to aspirin. A study conducted by Peter Piper at the Sheffield University in Britain, found that this compound causes significant damage to DNA. According to Peter, sodium benzoate which is an active component in preservatives, doesn’t destroy DNA, but deactivates it. This can lead to cirrhosis and degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease.

Coca-Cola is undeniably a very useful product. The key is to use it for purposes that do not include drinking! Here is a video about Coca-Cola!

These 19 Easy Life Hacks are Guaranteed to Make Life Easier

There are so many simple ways you can improve your life… and most of them you won’t even realize until you read this article. These life hacks are so simple and easy to do, but they’ll change how you live. Are you ready? Do you have a paper and pencil handy? You’ll need them when I tell you how to REALLY open a jar of pickles…

1.) Use velcro tape and you’ll never lose your remotes.

2.) Bread and toothpicks can save a birthday cake.

3.) A pizza box isn’t just a pizza box.

4.) Cut up a tennis ball for an awesome lid opener.

5.) Sponges can protect your bare feet from a painful bike pedal during the summer.

6.) MacBook charger or bottle opener?

7.) Use a paperclip to help fasten bracelets.

8.) Duct tape can give you the strength to open jars.

9.) Nutella lids help keep opened canned goods fresh.

10.) Need a watering can? A modified jug of water will do.

11.) Cut a SOLO cup in half to amplify your laptop speakers.

12.) Hate cereal dust? Use a colander.

13.) How to cut grapes or cherry tomatoes.

14.) Cookbook holders are basically free.

15.) You don’t need a corkscrew.

16.) How to make ONE trip to carry in groceries.

17.) Easy grilled cheese in the toaster.

18.) Love Doritos so much you want to make them a seasoning?

19.) Roasting pans are for wussies.

And there you have it. Your life should now be 10-25% easier. Share this with your friends (if you like them) and you’ll make their lives easier, too.

source: Viralnova

How to Heat your Room for 15 Cents a Day [VIDEO]

Wanting to cut costs on the energy bill, especially now that temperatures are dropping for the season? Economics may be one reason to seek more sustainable energy sources, but this inventive way to heat the house is also purely fascinating. 

Journalist, YouTuber, and boat owner Dylan Winter created his DIY heater using tea lights and placed inside a bread tin and covered with two ceramic flowerpots. This creative system uses the scientific principles of convection heat transfer and, according to Winter, can heat his home for around 8 hours a day.

His YouTube Channel KeepTurningLeft shows how the method works: The tea lights are first put into a bread loaf tin and covered with a small upside-down flower pot. 

The hole in the top of the upside-down pot is covered with the metal casing leftover from one of the tea lights. Then the pot is covered by a second, larger pot and the hole in the bigger flower pot is left uncovered. 

This system works because the candles produce gases full of heated particles that are captured and channeled through the pots. As hot gas particles are lighter than the air, they will rise up through the top into the colder area.

What will then be caused is the cold air to fall into the warm areas and create a convection current; then heat is transferred from one pot to another, and then out of the hole.

One does not need a huge amount of money to invest in this economical heating method, either. Winter began by buying 100 tea lights from Ikea for less than a dollar, a standard loaf tin, and two different sized flower pots. In the video it is shown four candles are used for the heating system.

Sharing his invention with the world, Dylan explains that the heat from the candles warms the inside of the smaller flower pot, which becomes an ‘inner core’ that gets ‘very hot’. As explained before, a convection of air is then created between the smaller and larger pots and this heated air comes out of the top of the homemade heater.

When asked about his heater, he said: “People have told me that judicious positioning of flowerpots help to make the heating more efficient. I did not believe it but it really does seem to work.You get a nice flow around the [pots] and it warms the room up. You’d be amazed.” 

Dylan even uses the flowerpot method on his boats to conduct heat. Truly inspiring for those seeking to simplify, be more frugal with their dollar, and leave less waste, perhaps this system will warm many families this year as winter makes itself more present.

Creative Dad Takes Crazy Photos of Daughters

If you are tired of posed, stiff and cheesy family portraits, then take a look at these incredibly creative pictures taken by Jason Lee.

Jason who is a wedding photographer started taking photos of his two little daughters back in 2006 when his mom was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. The girls were constantly sick, with colds and coughs so he couldn’t always bring them to visit their grandmother. Jason wanted her to be able to see her granddaughters without catching their kid germs so he started a blog where his mom could see what was going on in their lives.

Most of the ideas come from his daughters – eight-year-old Kristin and five-year-old Kayla. Jason says that they are never-ending source of ideas.

Website: | flickr

Source: Bored Panda